for a job interview requires a lot of though about how someone portrays themselves
too others around them. Elements such as
personal appearance and character are taken into consideration. While both those elements are great things
to focus on and are needed for a job interview the article “ A ticket towork.. Or a ticket out” points
our attention to another element that interviewers are focusing on which, is
the person their interviewing’s writing abilities and; rather their current
employees are demonstrating good writing capabilities. Through exploration of the articles structure
I plan to demonstrate how the article is one that is an citizen explanatory
genre and how it mediates discourse.
structure of this article is one that is easy to follow. Each section begins
with a theme and then
expounds upon those themes. The author sets up the whole discourse situation by saying “Survey results indicate that writing is a ticket to professional opportunity” (College Board 3). The author writes this in their opening paragraph to inform the citizens who are part of his discourse community my focus is on how writing can enhance your professional opportunities.
expounds upon those themes. The author sets up the whole discourse situation by saying “Survey results indicate that writing is a ticket to professional opportunity” (College Board 3). The author writes this in their opening paragraph to inform the citizens who are part of his discourse community my focus is on how writing can enhance your professional opportunities.
the author’s main sections are broken down into smaller parts there is a
discussion section. Found within the
discussion section are the networks that were surveyed on their thoughts. Not
even studying any of the other parts of the article you see how the author uses
the comments of employers to create discourse within discourse. When reading the discussion sections
sometimes you find that the author purposely structured the questions the way
they did just to talk to each other.
A unique constituent that this author
used was the amount of graphs that were contained within the article. The
graphs acted, as support to the main discourse that the author was trying to
argue which is writing is needed to further your employment opportunities. The graphs also acted as great visuals to
simply the author’s research. Using the
graph further proves that the author was trying to explain to his citizens how different
employers felt about different situations. Including the graphs showed that the
author really set down and talked with employers about their thoughts so that
he could better help their audience.
The authors language choice implied
that his implied audience was for young adults or parents because he didn’t use
a lot of technical jargon he used simple everyday language The actual audience
the author was writing for was students who are members off college Based off the authors arguments in his closing
statement it looked as if they were trying to draw in the people of the
educational system because they felt that the issue starts in the classroom and
if something is not done their then it can have its effects on students when
they go to graduate and get a job after graduation. The author really stresses
to his audience as a whole though that its about more than you working on your
appearance and interviewing skills if you aren’t even able to write a good resume
than you wont even get a ticket to the party.
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