Friday, November 21, 2014

The Value in Wikipedia

Working on Short Assignment Six helped me to realize that peer editing has value. So many times being an EWM Major our instructors teach us the importune of what it is to be a good writer but they don’t focus on the editing process. The editing process is just as crucial to the writing process because if your thoughts are poorly constructed than you may not communicate effectively your point. Peer editing is also a valuable tool because your never want your rhetorical velocity to star off strong.

I am beginning to buy into that Wikipedia is a valuable source in the writing classroom because we have been always taught that it’s bad to use Wikipedia in any of our other classes. The value that is not seen in Wikipedia is that you need a community to feed your thoughts out too because your not always going to get your thoughts on paper out right. After all the whole reason writers are writing is to convey discourse to their discourse community to get people to think or effect change in some way or nothing.

There needs to be more active that encourage writers to come together and work together in community so that their able to make sure that their thoughts are communicated well in the public sphere.

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